

jest 忽略某些目录

在 jest.config.js 中添加 testPathIgnorePatterns: ['目录1', '目录2']/** @type {import('ts-jest').JestConfi...


报错:Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://l...

Yarn - could not detect network

配置代理(后,可能出现 yarn install 失败,提示网络错误。解决方式一:yarn config set proxy http://127.0...


1 背景signaling 服务器维护 client 的 online 状态,且两个客户端如果想建立连接必须先连接 signaling 且拿到 signaling 提供的 UUID。signal...

Nginx reuseport

现象:server 端和 client 端采用 UDP 协议进行通信,Nginx 会代理 server 端。当 client 发送消息较为频繁时,收到来自 server 端的响应经常会超时。解决...

x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field

在 minikube 中拉取镜像失败,报错:x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field解决:minikube ssh sudo vi...

缺少 *.pc

Package javascriptcoregtk-4.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.Perhaps you should add ...

docker login 免证书

sudo vim /etc/docker/daemon.json添加:{ ... "insecure-registries": ["https://xxxx...

memory leaks 问题排查

1 Address-Sanitizer 扫描$ bazel test --config asan common/integration:onboard_util_test扫描结果:==12529...

cannot access memory 错误排查

1 cannot access memory1.1 问题复现运行如下命令后:$ bazel build common/pressurer:pressurer_main $ ./bazel-bin...