这篇文章上次修改于 1001 天前,可能其部分内容已经发生变化,如有疑问可询问作者。
1. 压测目标
- 了解框架性能上限,即获得 HelloWorld 接口容量。在响应时间不超过 1s,CPU 峰值利用率不高于 70% 时,获得该接口的容量。
- 发现性能瓶颈。例如,当吞吐量不再上升时,查找原因。
2. 指标
- 响应时间
- 吞吐量
- 错误率
3. 压测执行
使用 wrk2:https://github.com/giltene/wrk2
因为要发起 post 请求,所以需要准备对应的 lua 脚本:
wrk.method = "POST"
wrk.body = '{"Version":"1.0.0","AppId":123,"Uin":"123","SubAccountUin":"123","Action":"HelloWorld"}'
wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
# -t 线程数
# -c 总 http 并发数
# -d 持续压测时间
# -R 每秒请求数
# -L 打印延迟详细信息
# --script 脚本路径
wrk -t4 -c200 -d600s -R800 -L --script=hello.lua http://test.server.com
4. 压测记录
这里请注意被压测的集群有 2 台机器,所以最终计算 QPS 时需要除以 2。
- latency:响应时长分布。
- req/sec:每秒处理请求数。
- timeout:连接超时数目。
- Socket errors:错误数。
4.1. 200QPS
$ wrk -t3 -c100 -d600s -R200 -L --script=hello.lua http://test.server.com
Running 10m test @ http://test.server.com
3 threads and 100 connections
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 84.350ms, rate sampling interval: 173ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 84.086ms, rate sampling interval: 173ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 84.479ms, rate sampling interval: 173ms
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 73.28ms 20.65ms 545.79ms 92.64%
Req/Sec 66.48 65.00 191.00 47.06%
Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
50.000% 72.00ms
75.000% 80.51ms
90.000% 84.80ms
99.000% 161.41ms
99.900% 276.48ms
99.990% 441.86ms
99.999% 528.90ms
100.000% 546.30ms
Detailed Percentile spectrum:
Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)
38.367 0.000000 1 1.00
58.175 0.100000 11897 1.11
60.383 0.200000 23600 1.25
63.071 0.300000 35410 1.43
65.439 0.400000 47259 1.67
71.999 0.500000 58963 2.00
75.135 0.550000 64924 2.22
76.671 0.600000 70901 2.50
77.951 0.650000 76734 2.86
79.231 0.700000 82662 3.33
80.511 0.750000 88485 4.00
81.151 0.775000 91532 4.44
81.791 0.800000 94595 5.00
82.431 0.825000 97423 5.71
83.135 0.850000 100480 6.67
83.903 0.875000 103362 8.00
84.351 0.887500 104858 8.89
84.799 0.900000 106215 10.00
85.375 0.912500 107695 11.43
86.015 0.925000 109131 13.33
86.847 0.937500 110547 16.00
87.487 0.943750 111344 17.78
88.255 0.950000 112041 20.00
89.663 0.956250 112775 22.86
93.567 0.962500 113491 26.67
109.951 0.968750 114228 32.00
133.503 0.971875 114595 35.56
139.519 0.975000 114979 40.00
143.615 0.978125 115343 45.71
148.095 0.981250 115704 53.33
153.471 0.984375 116074 64.00
155.775 0.985938 116253 71.11
158.079 0.987500 116444 80.00
160.255 0.989062 116626 91.43
162.175 0.990625 116809 106.67
164.735 0.992188 116992 128.00
166.399 0.992969 117082 142.22
168.063 0.993750 117175 160.00
170.367 0.994531 117268 182.86
173.055 0.995313 117358 213.33
177.279 0.996094 117450 256.00
180.863 0.996484 117496 284.44
184.959 0.996875 117542 320.00
192.767 0.997266 117588 365.71
202.111 0.997656 117634 426.67
218.623 0.998047 117680 512.00
224.383 0.998242 117703 568.89
236.287 0.998437 117726 640.00
251.263 0.998633 117749 731.43
267.775 0.998828 117772 853.33
277.503 0.999023 117795 1024.00
282.879 0.999121 117807 1137.78
290.559 0.999219 117820 1280.00
300.031 0.999316 117832 1462.86
304.895 0.999414 117841 1706.67
335.615 0.999512 117853 2048.00
350.463 0.999561 117859 2275.56
357.631 0.999609 117864 2560.00
373.247 0.999658 117870 2925.71
396.031 0.999707 117876 3413.33
402.943 0.999756 117882 4096.00
405.759 0.999780 117885 4551.11
410.367 0.999805 117888 5120.00
411.903 0.999829 117890 5851.43
416.511 0.999854 117893 6826.67
439.295 0.999878 117896 8192.00
441.855 0.999890 117898 9102.22
454.399 0.999902 117899 10240.00
456.447 0.999915 117900 11702.86
465.151 0.999927 117902 13653.33
469.247 0.999939 117903 16384.00
484.607 0.999945 117904 18204.44
503.039 0.999951 117905 20480.00
503.039 0.999957 117905 23405.71
509.183 0.999963 117906 27306.67
526.847 0.999969 117907 32768.00
526.847 0.999973 117907 36408.89
528.383 0.999976 117908 40960.00
528.383 0.999979 117908 46811.43
528.383 0.999982 117908 54613.33
528.895 0.999985 117909 65536.00
528.895 0.999986 117909 72817.78
528.895 0.999988 117909 81920.00
528.895 0.999989 117909 93622.86
528.895 0.999991 117909 109226.67
546.303 0.999992 117910 131072.00
546.303 1.000000 117910 inf
#[Mean = 73.281, StdDeviation = 20.646]
#[Max = 545.792, Total count = 117910]
#[Buckets = 27, SubBuckets = 2048]
119991 requests in 10.00m, 28.08MB read
Requests/sec: 199.98
Transfer/sec: 47.91KB
CPU 使用率峰值:20%
4.2. 500QPS
$ wrk -t3 -c100 -d600s -R500 -L --script=hello.lua http://test.server.com
Running 10m test @ http://test.server.com
3 threads and 100 connections
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 698.326ms, rate sampling interval: 3860ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 664.252ms, rate sampling interval: 3745ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 685.529ms, rate sampling interval: 3821ms
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 736.99ms 812.45ms 5.30s 83.13%
Req/Sec 165.59 45.77 304.00 67.60%
Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
50.000% 385.79ms
75.000% 1.24s
90.000% 1.91s
99.000% 3.23s
99.900% 3.95s
99.990% 4.42s
99.999% 5.02s
100.000% 5.31s
Detailed Percentile spectrum:
Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)
38.495 0.000000 1 1.00
62.559 0.100000 29549 1.11
74.111 0.200000 58942 1.25
81.087 0.300000 88530 1.43
106.815 0.400000 117836 1.67
385.791 0.500000 147285 2.00
559.103 0.550000 162017 2.22
730.111 0.600000 176767 2.50
899.583 0.650000 191474 2.86
1070.079 0.700000 206238 3.33
1242.111 0.750000 220921 4.00
1330.175 0.775000 228340 4.44
1423.359 0.800000 235674 5.00
1523.711 0.825000 243024 5.71
1633.279 0.850000 250408 6.67
1759.231 0.875000 257741 8.00
1829.887 0.887500 261442 8.89
1907.711 0.900000 265114 10.00
1999.871 0.912500 268811 11.43
2105.343 0.925000 272532 13.33
2232.319 0.937500 276162 16.00
2303.999 0.943750 278025 17.78
2383.871 0.950000 279865 20.00
2471.935 0.956250 281682 22.86
2570.239 0.962500 283552 26.67
2678.783 0.968750 285377 32.00
2740.223 0.971875 286292 35.56
2805.759 0.975000 287209 40.00
2873.343 0.978125 288131 45.71
2949.119 0.981250 289051 53.33
3033.087 0.984375 289965 64.00
3080.191 0.985938 290436 71.11
3131.391 0.987500 290884 80.00
3188.735 0.989062 291344 91.43
3254.271 0.990625 291808 106.67
3327.999 0.992188 292264 128.00
3366.911 0.992969 292500 142.22
3407.871 0.993750 292721 160.00
3452.927 0.994531 292953 182.86
3506.175 0.995313 293186 213.33
3563.519 0.996094 293414 256.00
3600.383 0.996484 293533 284.44
3637.247 0.996875 293647 320.00
3674.111 0.997266 293756 365.71
3723.263 0.997656 293875 426.67
3774.463 0.998047 293990 512.00
3805.183 0.998242 294044 568.89
3835.903 0.998437 294103 640.00
3868.671 0.998633 294161 731.43
3909.631 0.998828 294216 853.33
3958.783 0.999023 294276 1024.00
3985.407 0.999121 294303 1137.78
4012.031 0.999219 294331 1280.00
4044.799 0.999316 294361 1462.86
4075.519 0.999414 294390 1706.67
4118.527 0.999512 294421 2048.00
4136.959 0.999561 294432 2275.56
4159.487 0.999609 294447 2560.00
4182.015 0.999658 294461 2925.71
4218.879 0.999707 294475 3413.33
4251.647 0.999756 294491 4096.00
4263.935 0.999780 294497 4551.11
4292.607 0.999805 294504 5120.00
4333.567 0.999829 294514 5851.43
4345.855 0.999854 294518 6826.67
4374.527 0.999878 294526 8192.00
4415.487 0.999890 294530 9102.22
4427.775 0.999902 294533 10240.00
4440.063 0.999915 294536 11702.86
4476.927 0.999927 294540 13653.33
4534.271 0.999939 294544 16384.00
4542.463 0.999945 294545 18204.44
4607.999 0.999951 294547 20480.00
4616.191 0.999957 294549 23405.71
4669.439 0.999963 294551 27306.67
4706.303 0.999969 294553 32768.00
4706.303 0.999973 294553 36408.89
4755.455 0.999976 294554 40960.00
4775.935 0.999979 294555 46811.43
4837.375 0.999982 294556 54613.33
4923.391 0.999985 294557 65536.00
4923.391 0.999986 294557 72817.78
5021.695 0.999988 294558 81920.00
5021.695 0.999989 294558 93622.86
5124.095 0.999991 294559 109226.67
5124.095 0.999992 294559 131072.00
5124.095 0.999993 294559 145635.56
5226.495 0.999994 294560 163840.00
5226.495 0.999995 294560 187245.71
5226.495 0.999995 294560 218453.33
5226.495 0.999996 294560 262144.00
5226.495 0.999997 294560 291271.11
5308.415 0.999997 294561 327680.00
5308.415 1.000000 294561 inf
#[Mean = 736.988, StdDeviation = 812.454]
#[Max = 5304.320, Total count = 294561]
#[Buckets = 27, SubBuckets = 2048]
299615 requests in 10.00m, 69.79MB read
Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 83
Requests/sec: 499.35
Transfer/sec: 119.10KB
CPU 使用率峰值:57%
4.3. 800 QPS
wrk -t4 -c200 -d600s -R800 -L --script=hello.lua http://test.server.com
Running 10m test @ http://test.server.com
4 threads and 200 connections
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 312.210ms, rate sampling interval: 2279ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 362.269ms, rate sampling interval: 2920ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 430.283ms, rate sampling interval: 3317ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 332.868ms, rate sampling interval: 2615ms
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 598.80ms 791.08ms 5.17s 83.19%
Req/Sec 199.47 54.34 371.00 66.67%
Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
50.000% 94.40ms
75.000% 951.81ms
90.000% 1.84s
99.000% 3.23s
99.900% 4.14s
99.990% 4.65s
99.999% 4.89s
100.000% 5.17s
Detailed Percentile spectrum:
Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)
37.343 0.000000 1 1.00
60.671 0.100000 47349 1.11
66.047 0.200000 94529 1.25
76.863 0.300000 141715 1.43
82.431 0.400000 189246 1.67
94.399 0.500000 235944 2.00
192.767 0.550000 259495 2.22
352.255 0.600000 283078 2.50
524.287 0.650000 306682 2.86
721.407 0.700000 330270 3.33
951.807 0.750000 353884 4.00
1077.247 0.775000 365646 4.44
1210.367 0.800000 377511 5.00
1349.631 0.825000 389243 5.71
1499.135 0.850000 401091 6.67
1657.855 0.875000 412836 8.00
1744.895 0.887500 418785 8.89
1835.007 0.900000 424667 10.00
1932.287 0.912500 430575 11.43
2035.711 0.925000 436418 13.33
2154.495 0.937500 442325 16.00
2220.031 0.943750 445298 17.78
2291.711 0.950000 448291 20.00
2371.583 0.956250 451216 22.86
2457.599 0.962500 454125 26.67
2562.047 0.968750 457059 32.00
2625.535 0.971875 458527 35.56
2693.119 0.975000 460007 40.00
2768.895 0.978125 461477 45.71
2863.103 0.981250 462971 53.33
2971.647 0.984375 464433 64.00
3035.135 0.985938 465177 71.11
3100.671 0.987500 465910 80.00
3178.495 0.989062 466637 91.43
3260.415 0.990625 467382 106.67
3354.623 0.992188 468117 128.00
3403.775 0.992969 468487 142.22
3461.119 0.993750 468847 160.00
3518.463 0.994531 469218 182.86
3579.903 0.995313 469589 213.33
3649.535 0.996094 469955 256.00
3690.495 0.996484 470142 284.44
3739.647 0.996875 470321 320.00
3790.847 0.997266 470505 365.71
3848.191 0.997656 470690 426.67
3915.775 0.998047 470876 512.00
3948.543 0.998242 470969 568.89
3991.551 0.998437 471058 640.00
4036.607 0.998633 471152 731.43
4089.855 0.998828 471243 853.33
4149.247 0.999023 471336 1024.00
4182.015 0.999121 471382 1137.78
4222.975 0.999219 471429 1280.00
4255.743 0.999316 471473 1462.86
4304.895 0.999414 471528 1706.67
4337.663 0.999512 471567 2048.00
4358.143 0.999561 471588 2275.56
4386.815 0.999609 471611 2560.00
4419.583 0.999658 471636 2925.71
4448.255 0.999707 471657 3413.33
4485.119 0.999756 471683 4096.00
4505.599 0.999780 471694 4551.11
4517.887 0.999805 471703 5120.00
4542.463 0.999829 471716 5851.43
4567.039 0.999854 471727 6826.67
4612.095 0.999878 471738 8192.00
4628.479 0.999890 471744 9102.22
4648.959 0.999902 471749 10240.00
4665.343 0.999915 471755 11702.86
4694.015 0.999927 471761 13653.33
4718.591 0.999939 471767 16384.00
4739.071 0.999945 471770 18204.44
4743.167 0.999951 471772 20480.00
4771.839 0.999957 471777 23405.71
4780.031 0.999963 471779 27306.67
4800.511 0.999969 471782 32768.00
4804.607 0.999973 471784 36408.89
4804.607 0.999976 471784 40960.00
4808.703 0.999979 471785 46811.43
4833.279 0.999982 471787 54613.33
4845.567 0.999985 471788 65536.00
4853.759 0.999986 471789 72817.78
4890.623 0.999988 471790 81920.00
4890.623 0.999989 471790 93622.86
4894.719 0.999991 471791 109226.67
4915.199 0.999992 471792 131072.00
4915.199 0.999993 471792 145635.56
5001.215 0.999994 471793 163840.00
5001.215 0.999995 471793 187245.71
5001.215 0.999995 471793 218453.33
5042.175 0.999996 471794 262144.00
5042.175 0.999997 471794 291271.11
5042.175 0.999997 471794 327680.00
5042.175 0.999997 471794 374491.43
5042.175 0.999998 471794 436906.67
5169.151 0.999998 471795 524288.00
5169.151 1.000000 471795 inf
#[Mean = 598.804, StdDeviation = 791.076]
#[Max = 5165.056, Total count = 471795]
#[Buckets = 27, SubBuckets = 2048]
479946 requests in 10.00m, 117.25MB read
Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 964
Requests/sec: 799.90
Transfer/sec: 200.10KB
CPU 使用率峰值:74%
5. 结论
- 框架 QPS 约为 400(一共有两台机器提供服务,800/2)。单台 QPS 在 250(500/2)时,25% 响应时间超过了 1s,没有出现错误,在 QPS400 时维持不变,但 CPU 使用率升高。
- 250QPS 和 400QPS 在响应时间上没有差别,说明 250QPS 时 uwsgi 的 worker 已经到达了瓶颈。